Get real-time foreign exchange data via API
at high accuracy

Currency Conversion API allows you to quickly, securely and effortlessly source accurate
and real-time currency exchange rates data.



All of our exchange rates use data collected directly from financial data provider and banks, including the European Central Bank.



Follow our comprehensive documentation to integrate our simple JSON API into your application in a matter of minutes.



Every call to our API is encrypted using the latest industry-standard with a 256-bit TLS connection over HTTPS.



We offer the lowest price of any similar services, guaranteed - If you find anyone cheaper we will beat their price no questions asked.



Our support team is available 24/7 should you have any questions or problems. We are staffed 100% by humans, no chatbots, just simple solutions from highly trained people!



Your dashboard provides detailed statistics to show all of your recent usages. See clearly where your API credits were used and if your current plan is the best fit.

Simple Pricing for any Sized Business

Get started with our free tier. And as your customer numbers grow your package can too.
Upgrade or cancel at any time - No strings, catches or hidden charges!

Why use Currency Conversion API?

Built For Developers By Developer

Built For Developers By Developers

Integrating a Foreign Exchange Rates and Currency Conversion system is not a pleasant job for any developer. So our team decided to make a service that did all the heavy lifting so you don't have to! With our API you can save countless hours of coding and testing.

Extreme Performance And Reliability

Extreme Performance And Reliability

Every component of our API has been designed from the ground up with performance and reliability in mind. We are running a full "high availability" infrastructure in every continent so you will always have super low response times.

Easy On Any Budget

Easy On Any Budget

We have shopped around at the competition and realized that we can offer a better service for a fraction of the price of anything else. If you find anyone cheaper, we will beat their price - no questions asked.

Flexible API To Fit Any Integration

Flexible API To Fit Any Integration

Currency Conversion API provides you with all the tools you could need to gain access to 161 currencies. Exchange Rates are delivered in lightweight JSON Format for easy integration and compatibility with any of your applications. If you think that there is something else you might need then just let us know.